Forefront Communications

Episode 59: Shifting the Landscape – Gearing Up for STA’s 91st Annual Market Structure Conference

Forefront Communications

Forefront Communications

Welcome to the latest episode of At the Forefront: Fintech Conversations!

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In this episode, Forefront VP and Head of Content Sam Belden sits down with Jim Toes, President & CEO of Security Traders Association (STA), and Jim Hyde, STA’s 2024 Chair and Head of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at NYSE, to discuss the organization’s upcoming 91st Annual Market Structure Conference. Jim and Jim share updates about the conference’s new location in Orlando, the experiences attendees and sponsors can expect onsite and the industry topics that will define this year’s agenda. (The conference will be held September 18-20 – registration is now open.)

The conversation kicks off with a discussion of this year’s conference theme: “Shifting the Landscape”. Per Jim Toes, the SEC is pursuing what is perhaps the most ambitious market structure overhaul in its history; at the same time, the equity, ETF and option markets have all seen rapid growth. The collision of these powerful forces means the buy side and sell side alike are facing a uniquely diverse array of strategic and tactical challenges – all of which are shifting the industry landscape. Jim Hyde adds that the theme aligns nicely with the conference’s new physical location.

When asked about this year’s conference agenda, Jim Toes highlights STA’s mission to provide market structure education on a holistic level. The conference is intended to inspire attendees to take a step back from their own corner of the industry and gain deeper insight into how changes in one asset class could impact another. Additionally, the opportunity for face-to-face networking in a post-pandemic era can play a meaningful role in career development, facilitating enlightening conversations that bridge gaps in understanding.

Next, they discuss opportunities and benefits for STA’s sponsors, both onsite and throughout the year. As always, the 2024 sponsor roster encompasses a diverse range of firms across the buy and sell sides, exchanges, technology vendors and beyond. Jim Hyde lists some of the activities and amenities that will be available for sponsorship in Orlando: cabana networking events, a golf tournament, coffee and charging stations and more. In addition, Jim Toes stresses that the value of sponsoring STA goes far beyond the three-day event – it also comes with the opportunity to serve on STA advisory committees, receive exclusive reports on STA’s activity in Washington DC and generally gain access to a proven industry advocate and resource.

In addition to STA’s work on industry issues, the organization heavily prioritizes giving back to good causes – including its “Charity of Choice” for 2024, Brave Gowns. Dedicated to transforming the hospital experience for young patients by providing high-quality and vibrant hospital gowns, Brave Gowns aims to ease fears, support dignity and provide hope during treatment. Jim and Jim emphasize how important this work is to STA, highlighting how grassroots philanthropy among local STA affiliates translates into a massive, combined impact.

Lastly, Sam asks for a preview of some of the topics on this year’s conference agenda. Jim Hyde shares that, as a veteran of the space, he is most looking forward to the panel on listed options, which will dive into asset class-specific activity and trends relating to increased institutional adoption. Jim Toes highlights prominent guest speakers including SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda and Robinhood’s Dan Gallagher. Attendees can also look forward to a panel on “Wall Street South” covering the financial industry’s migration to Florida.

See below for a breakdown of what was discussed. Happy listening!


1:45 – The meaning of this year’s “Shifting the Landscape” conference theme

5:00 – What attendees can expect onsite

7:35 – The benefits of sponsoring STA

09:55 – Brave Gowns, STA’s Charity of Choice for 2024

14:50 – Featured topics for this year’s conference program

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