As we spoke with Two Ocean about its potential use cases, it became clear that a two-pronged launch strategy was necessary to illustrate the value of the offering. First, we had to reach the crypto whales and other investors who had moved heavily into the space or wanted to do so but lacked the expertise to house and grow their portfolios in a way that reflected the unique nature of digital asset markets. Just as important was reaching registered investment advisors, many of which wanted to help their clients enter the world of crypto but had not received regulatory acknowledgement to do so. Two Ocean gave these advisors a channel to recommend to their clients.
With this in mind, we crafted a dual messaging strategy designed to engage both stakeholder groups and a clean, concise narrative. While it would have been easy to become steeped in the nuts and bolts of crypto regulation, we chose to tell a more accessible story about the overall growth of the asset class and the need for solutions with the maturity and scale to match.
We took a building blocks approach to media relations, with each round of placements fueling the next. Upon making the launch announcement, we quickly managed to secure coverage from digital asset journalists; in the weeks ahead, we ramped up to wealth management reporters and ultimately secured top-tier placements including a major story in the New York Times and a four-minute interview on NPR’s Marketplace Morning Report. In addition to communicating the value of Two Ocean, we spent a considerable amount of time educating reporters on the complexities of the space, so we formulated a strategy for communicating the regulatory considerations in a concise, easily graspable manner. This included creating media factsheets, posting compelling content to social media and more.
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Suite 718
New York, NY 10016