Forefront Communications

Shining A Light on Trading





Brand/Website, Marketing, PR, Content


Transforming a fintech fresh off its Series A round into a market leader for trade surveillance technology in both traditional and digital assets


Founded in 2014, Eventus provides multi-asset class trade surveillance and market risk solutions. In the early years, the company was able to make a name for itself despite having to rely solely on its executives and sales team members for its marketing and communications efforts. But the company knew it would need to do more to scale the business at the pace it wanted. So in early 2020, with a fresh round of capital secured, Eventus’ newly hired Chief Strategy Officer retained Forefront and tasked us with a dual mandate: develop a new brand befitting of the company and support business development efforts with sales materials and lead generation.

Following our investment round early [in 2020], we continued to show strong top-line revenue growth, nearly quadrupling our staff across every facet of our business, building on our presence in Europe and Asia-Pacific and attracting a wide range of new clients.

Travis Schwab, CEO


Eventus has an extremely loyal client base due to the power of its technology and the quality of its team. In particular, the speed at which Eventus can respond to product enhancement and service requests from clients contrasts sharply with many legacy trade surveillance providers. We determined that emphasizing these important differentiators by casting Eventus as a partner that helps clients shine a light on all their trading activity would be the best way to position the firm as the market leader that is distancing itself from incumbents whose platforms have grown stale.


While Eventus understood the time needed to build a new brand and messaging platform, it could not afford to lose sales momentum, especially given the opportunity that the rapidly developing crypto market was presenting. We therefore crafted a program to create a messaging platform and refresh their sales collateral while simultaneously building and helping to execute on an annual marketing plan that included thought leadership content, events, social media and advertising. Once this foundational marketing program was in place, we turned our attention in early 2021 to a full rebrand — built on a sleek new “shield” logo concept (which encompasses the Eventus “E”) — that included a redeveloped website, redesigned sales collateral and a new social media look and feel. We also refined Eventus’ marketing automation efforts, optimizing its HubSpot workflows to deliver a steady stream of leads across personas, fueled by an enhanced thought leadership- and social media-driven content program.


With a sophisticated new brand that now matches the power of its platform and talent of its team, Eventus is growing at breakneck speed. The full rebrand effort – completed in only four months – went live just ahead of the massive digital assets event the firm hosted in June 2021. The conference drew rave reviews thanks to its high-quality roster of speakers, rich content and sleek production, solidifying Eventus’ leadership position in the space (four of the six largest crypto exchanges are now clients). Eventus’ team and revenues have both doubled in little over a year’s time, and its September 2021 Series B saw the firm valued significantly higher than it was during its February 2020 A round.