Forefront Communications

Why Building Brand Memory Is Key to B2B Fintech Growth – Lessons from LinkedIn’s Tyrona Heath at INBOUND 2024

Amanda Perrucci

Amanda Perrucci

At INBOUND 2024, Tyrona Heath, Director at the B2B Institute at LinkedIn, emphasized that B2B fintech and capital markets firms can drive growth by adopting certain B2C strategies — particularly around brand-building. Tyrona stressed that in B2B, memory generation is the key to brand recognition, and sustained investment in your brand is critical for long-term success.

According to the B2B Institute’s research, 95% of potential buyers are not actively in-market at any given time, meaning they aren’t thinking about your brand. When buyers do enter the market, they rely on memories to guide their purchasing decisions. In fact, 92% of B2B buyers purchase from a shortlist of brands they’ve already considered and know. For fintechs, this makes it essential to invest in brand building today – that way, when prospects are ready to buy, your firm will be top-of-mind.

Creative, well-targeted marketing campaigns — even with modest budgets — can significantly increase engagement, build customer loyalty and improve conversion rates. The long-term benefits of effective brand-building include easier customer acquisition, stronger pricing power and a competitive moat.

Tyrona’s insights make one thing clear: by investing in their brand now, B2B fintechs can create a lasting impression that ultimately drives sales and fuels growth. Forefront has worked with numerous firms to build and refresh brands that create this brand recognition, creating strong first impressions that lead to future buying decisions. Read more about how we see the value of branding for a B2B fintech’s bottom line here.