Forefront Communications

What B2B Fintech Marketers Need to Know About Email Marketing This Fall – Lessons from Jay Schwedelson, Outcome Media at INBOUND 2024

Amanda Perrucci

Amanda Perrucci

At INBOUND this year, I had the opportunity to listen to Jay Schwedelson, email marketing guru and CEO and founder of Outcome Media, talk about email marketing. His panels are always insightful and prompt us to rethink some fundamental aspects of B2B email marketing.

As Head of Digital at Forefront Communications, I’m constantly looking for ways to optimize our clients’ email strategies. Here are some key takeaways from Jay’s session that are particularly relevant for B2B fintech marketers.

2024 is almost over – avoid mentioning the current year in content offers

Jay highlighted a surprising stat: mentioning the current year in your content offer lowers your download rate by 22%. In B2B fintech, where you’re likely promoting product guides, industry reports and whitepapers, it’s tempting to attach a year to make the content feel timely. But this approach could backfire. Instead, focus on forward-looking content — people are more interested in what’s coming next. Start crafting content offers that look ahead to 2025 to stay relevant and pique curiosity. Don’t wait until December to do this, either.

Reimagine the “from” name in your emails

Your “from” name is the start of your subject line — it’s the first thing recipients notice. According to Jay, the “from” name needs to be more than just your company name.

Adding context, such as your industry or purpose, can lead to significant increases in your open rate. Sending your monthly newsletter? Consider changing your “from” name to the name of the newsletter. Promoting an upcoming webinar? Consider changing your “from” name to the lead panelist.

Switching up the “from” name regularly keeps your subject lines fresh and engaging, especially in a field as specialized as fintech. Aside from standing out in an inbox, it provides clear context for what the purpose of the email is: capturing the attention of engaged and qualified recipients.

Consider using negative language to boost open rates

No one wants to create negative associations with their brand, but Jay pointed out that subject lines with a negative slant can actually perform better — up to 34% higher open rates.

Think phrases like “The ugly truth about [insert topic]” or “Why [insert job function] can’t afford to ignore [insert trend]”. While it might seem counterintuitive, negative framing taps into people’s fear of missing out or making costly mistakes. In the B2B fintech space, where risk management and compliance are top priorities, this tactic can resonate.

Un-AI your emails

AI-produced content is generic and “generic is now wallpaper,” Jay warned. This advice is especially relevant at a time when everyone is over-relying on AI for content creation.

In B2B fintech and capital markets, AI will never be able to replace human-generated content. AI doesn’t understand the nuances of highly complex markets or the latest relevant trends in the space. Creative, human-centric subject lines and content is the key to cutting through the noise.

Refine your calls-to-action (CTAs)

Jay offered a simple but powerful tip: replace generic CTA buttons like “Download” or “Register” with something more personalized and specific to the recipient’s job function or industry.

For example, instead of asking recipients to download the latest whitepaper, create a CTA that says “I want top fintech tips”. Promoting an upcoming webinar or conference? Ditch “Register” for something a bit more personal like “Save my spot for [insert webinar/conference]”. This tactic has shown a 22% increase in conversions when tailored to job roles and a 19% increase when tied to industry.

Prepare for future AI-driven inbox changes

Jay gave us a peek into the future of email deliverability, especially with Apple’s upcoming iOS 18 update. Apple is rolling out inbox changes that will sort emails into four tabs: Primary, Transactions, Updates and Promotions.

Using AI, Apple will determine which emails go where. In the past decade, marketers have been worried about “spam trigger words,” which have been proven to not be an issue. With this new age of AI, marketers will have to worry about AI-trigger words. In testing the iOS 18 beta, Schwedelson and his team have shown that specific trigger words in the email subject line or body can help land emails in the Primary and/or Updates tabs.

Understanding which words to use to avoid the Promotions tab will greatly help with engagement once iOS 18 goes live.

Some AI-trigger words to include, according to Schwedelson:

  • Registration confirmed
  • Meeting invite
  • Important update
  • New feature
  • Action required
  • Event registration
  • Add to calendar
  • Preview
  • Exclusive invitation
  • X days left
  • Subscription details
  • Invitation enclosed
  • Priority access
  • Event details

For B2B fintech marketers, these strategies and tactics extend beyond the generic and offer actionable steps to improve email performance.